Grupo de Visão e Processamento de Imagens - IME - USP

Capítulos de livros publicados

Número total de itens: 27


1.   DURHAM, A. ; SETUBAL, J. C. ; BARRERA, Junior. Interdisciplinaridade em ação na pesquisa e pós-graduação em bioinformática. Em: Arlindo Philippi Jr Valdir Fernandes. (Org.). Práticas da Interdisciplinaridade no Ensino e Pesquisa. 1ed.Barueri. : Manole. 2015.p. 619-642.
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2.   FERREIRA, J. E.; FRANCO, B. D. G. M. ; CATARINO, M. H. ; TAKECIAN, P. L. ; AGOPYAN, V.. DataUSP-PosGrad: Um conjunto de Serviços Analíticos para Apoio à Tomada de Decisão da PRPG USP. Em: José Goldemberg. (Org.). USP 80 anos. 1aed.São Paulo. : Editora Universidade de São Paulo (EDUSP). 2015.v. 1, p. 433-451.
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1.   HIRATA, N. S. T. Morphological Operator Design from Training Data: A State of the Art Overview. Em: Halina Kwasnicka; Lakhmi C. Jain. (Org.). Innovations in Intelligent Image Analysis. : Springer. 2011.p. 31-58.
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1.   J. R. da Silva ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. Interatividade em Vídeos com Visada Livre. Em: Wagner Meira Jr., André C.P.L.F. de Carvalho. (Org.). Atualizações em Informática 2010. 1ed.Porto Alegre. : SBC. 2010.v. 1, p. 319-363.
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2.   RIBEIRO, J. H. B. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. Pattern Recognition Based on Straight Line Segments. Em: Adam Herout. (Org.). Pattern Recognition, Recent Advances. Vienna. 2010.p. 167-188.
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3.   SIDER, R. ; OZAHATA, B. Y. ; HIRATA, N. S. T.. ExpressMath:Análise Estrutural de Expressões Matemáticas Manuscritas. Em: Nidia Pavan Kuri; Paulo Cesar Lima Segantine. (Org.). Iniciação científica e tecnológica: o jovem pesquisador em ação II. : CETEPE-EESC / USP. 2010.p. 109-129.
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1.   BRAGHETTO, K. R. ; FERREIRA, J. E. ; PU, C.. NPTool: Towards Scalability and Reliability of Business Process Management (preprint). Em: Joaquim Filipe; Mohammad S. Obaidat. (Org.). (Org.). e-Business and Telecommunications, Communications in Computer and Information Science.. 1ed.Berlin, Heidelberg. : Springer. 2009.v. 48, p. 99-112.
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1.   A.X. Falcão ; F.P.G. Bergo ; Favretto, F. ; Guilherme C. S. Ruppert ; Miranda, Paulo A. V. ; Cappabianco, Fábio. Processamento, Visualização e Análise de Imagens Anatômicas do Cérebro Humano. Em: L.M. Li, P.T. Fernandes, R.J.M. Covolan, F. Cendes (Série CinAPCe).. (Org.). Neurociências e Epilepsia.. São Paulo. : Plêiade. 2008.v. 1, p. 97-124.
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2.   FERREIRA, J. E.; TAKAI, O. K.. Understanding database modeling. Em: NCBI bookshelf. (Org.). Bioinformatics Tropical Disease Research: A Pratical Approach. : NCBI. 2008..
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3.   HIRATA, N. S. T. Stack Filters: From Definition to Design Algorithms. Em: Peter W. Hawkes. (Org.). Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics. : Elsevier Inc.. 2008.v. 152, p. 1-47.
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4.   MORIMOTO, C. H.; COUTINHO, F. L.. Free head motion eye gaze tracking techniques. Em: Riad Hammoud. (Org.). Passive Eye Monitoring. 1ed.Berlin. : Springer-Verlag. 2008.v. 1, p. 133-152.
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5.   MORIMOTO, C. H.; SANTOS, Thiago Teixeira. Segmentação, indexação e recuperação de vídeo utilizando OpenCV. Em: Aparecido Nilceu Marana. (Org.). IV Workshop de Visão Computacional. 1ed.Bauru. 2008.v. 1, p. 1-10.
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1.   BARRERA, Junior; BANON, G. J. F. ; DOUGHERTY, Edward R. Automatic design of morphological operators. Em: Michel Bilodeau, Fernand Meyer, Michel Schimitt. (Org.). Space, Structure and Randomness. : Springer. 2007.v. 1, .
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2.   HIRATA JR., R.; BRUN, M. ; BARRERA, J. ; DOUGHERTY, E. R.. Aperture Filters: Theory, Application, and Multiresolution Analysis. Em: Stephen Marshall;Giovanni L. Sicuranza. (Org.). Advances on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing. : EURASIP Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications. 2007..
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3.   SOARES, J. V. B. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Segmentation of Retinal Vasculature Using Wavelets and Supervised Classification: Theory and Implementation (ACEITO E ENVIADO AOS EDITORES DO LIVRO). Em: H. F. Jelinek; M. Cree. (Org.). Automated Image Analysis of Retinal Pathology. Boca Raton. : CRC Press. 2007..
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1.   BARRERA, Junior; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; MARTINS JR, David Corrêa ; VÊNCIO, R Z ; MERINO, E F ; YAMAMOTO, M M ; LEONARDI, Florência G ; PEREIRA, C A B ; Obano, H. P.. Constructing probabilistic genetic networks of Plasmodium falciparum from dynamical expression signals of the intraerythrocytic development cycle. In:. Em: J Shoemaker et al. (Org.).. (Org.). Methods of Microarray Data Analysis. : Springer-Verlag. 2006.v. 5, .
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1.   HIRATA JR, Roberto ; BARRERA, Junior ; BRUN, Marcel ; DOUGHERTY, E R. Aperture filtures: theory, application and multi-resolution analysis. Em: Stephen Marshall; Giovanni L. Sicuranza.. (Org.). ADVANCES ON NONLINEAR SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING.. 1ed. : Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 2005.v. 6, p. 15-45.
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1.   JACKOWSKI, M.; SATTER, M. ; GOSHTASBY, Ardeshir. A Computer-Aided Design Environment for Segmentation of Volumetric Images. Em: J. Suri; D. Wilson; S. Laxminarayan;. (Org.). The Handbook of Medical Imaging. 1ed.New York. : Kluwer Publications. 2004.p. 01.
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1.   CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.; JELINEK, H.. Segmentation of retinal fundus vasculature in nonmydriatic camera images using wavelets. Em: J. Suri; S. Laxminarayan. (Org.). Angiography and Plaque Imaging: Advanced Segmentation Techniques. Boca Raton. : CRC Press. 2003..
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1.   BARRERA, Junior; TERADA, R. ; HIRATA JR, R. ; HIRATA, N. S. T.. Automatic Programming of Morphological Machines by PAC Learning. Em: J. Goutsias; H. J. A. M. Heijmans. (Org.). Mathematical Morphology. : IOS Press. 2000.p. 229-258.
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1.   CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. Multiscale shape analysis and applications. Em: Editor. (Org.). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computer Science. : World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society. 1999.p. 89-94.
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2.   DOUGHERTY, Edward R ; BARRERA, Junior. Logical Image operators. Em: Edward R. Dougherty; Jaakko A. Astola. (Org.). Nonlinear filters for image processing. : SPIE. 1999.p. 1-58.
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3.   DOUGHERTY, Edward R ; BARRERA, Junior. Computational Gray-Scale Operators. Em: Edward R. Dougherty; Jaakko A. Astola. (Org.). Non linear filters for image processing. : IEEE-SPIE. 1999.p. 61-96.
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4.   MORIMOTO, C. H.; CHELLAPPA, R.. Electronic digital image stabilization and mosaicking. Em: C W Cheng; Y W Zhang. (Org.). Visual information representation, communication, and image processing. : Marcel Dekker. 1999..
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1.   COSTA, L. da F. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; CESAR, R. M. ; C JR, R. ; COELHO, J. S.. Perspective On The Analysis And Synthesis Of Morphologically Realistic Neural Networks. Em: R. Poznanski. (Org.). Modeling in the Neurosciences: From Ionic Channels to Neural Networks. : Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. 1998..
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2.   YACOOB, Y. ; DAVIS, L. S. ; BLACK, M. J. ; GRAVILA, D. ; HORPRASERT, T. ; MORIMOTO, C. H.. Looking at people in action - an Overview. Em: R. Cipolla; A. Pentland. (Org.). Computer Vision for Human Machine Interaction. Cambridge. : Cambridge University Press. 1998..
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1.   DAVIS, L. ; MORIMOTO, C. H. ; BAJCSY, R. ; HERMAN, M. ; NELSON, R.. RSTA on the Move: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from an Autonomous Mobile Platform. Em: O. Fischein; T.M. Strat. (Org.). DARPA Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition for the Unmanned Grounded Vehicle: Providing Surveillance Eyes for an Autonomous Vehicle. : Morgan Kaufmann. 1996..
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