



- Organizer of ISMM 2007


- Vice-coordenator of USP Bioinformatics PhD Program


- Poster and presentation chair of ISMB 2006, Fortaleza


- President of AB3C  (Associação Brasileira de Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional)


- Member of Embrapa Informatica External Board


- Member of the Central Research Commit of USP


- Member of the Congegação of Ime-USP


- Member of the Conselho do Departamento de Ciência da Computação do Ime-USP


- Scientific coordinator of Bioinfo-USP, 2000-2004


- Organizer of the first Icobicobi, Ribeirão Preto, 2003.


- Organizer of the International Course on Bioinformatics, WHO, 2002.