Title: Blood Vessel Tracking in MRA Images
1.Maysa Malfiza Garcia de Macedo
2.Jesús P. Mena-Chalco
3.Choukri Mekkaoui
4.Marcel Parolin Jackowski
Vascular disease is characterized by any condition that affects the circulatory system.
Recently, a demand for sophisticated software tools that can characterize the
integrity and functional state of vascular networks from different vascular imaging modalities has appeared. Such tools face significant challenges such as: large datasets, similarity in
intensity distributions of other organs and structures, and the presence of complex vessel geometry and branching patterns.
Towards that goal, this video presents a new approach to automatically track vascular networks from MRA images. Our methodology is based on the Hough
transform to dynamically estimate the centerline and vessel diameter along the
vessel trajectory. Furthermore, the vessel architecture and orientation is determined by the analysis of the Hessian matrix of the MRA intensity distribution. Results are shown using real human MRA images. The tracking algorithm yielded high
reproducibility rates, robustness to different noise levels, associated with simplicity of execution, which demonstrates the feasibility of our approach.